Il presente lavoro illustra i risultati di un’indagine empirica finalizzata ad approfondire il livello di sviluppo degli strumenti di analisi e gestione dei costi nei Comuni italiani. La dinamicità degli studi relativi a tale argomento in ambito di aziende lucrative, le pressioni che dottrina, legislazione e principi contabili esercitano in favore di uno sviluppo dell’analisi economica, nonché numerosi fattori ambientali dovrebbero incentivare ed agevolare la diffusione di strumenti di cost management, ma i risultati dell’indagine non sembrano confermare tale ipotesi. Si evidenzia infatti una limitata diffusione di tali tecniche ed un loro insufficiente livello di sviluppo: le cause di tale situazione vanno connesse principalmente alla tipologia di sistema contabile adottato, alla disponibilità di adeguati strumenti informatici e alla limitata cultura manageriale presente negli enti.
The article provides the results of an empirical research about cost management tools used by Italian local authorities. The intensity of cost management studies in private companies, the relevance of economic analysis in the literature, the law and accounting standards development and finally many environmental factors should stimulate the diffusion of cost management techniques in municipalities, but the results of the present survey do not confirm this hypothesis. Indeed, they underline a limited diffusion and a poor development of cost management techniques: the reasons of this situation are mainly related to the accounting systems adopted, the ICT tools available and the lack of managerial culture inside Italian local authorities.
The article provides the results of an empirical research about cost management tools used by Italian local authorities. The intensity of cost management studies in private companies, the relevance of economic analysis in the literature, the law and accounting standards development and finally many environmental factors should stimulate the diffusion of cost management techniques in municipalities, but the results of the present survey do not confirm this hypothesis. Indeed, they underline a limited diffusion and a poor development of cost management techniques: the reasons of this situation are mainly related to the accounting systems adopted, the ICT tools available and the lack of managerial culture inside Italian local authorities.