Il passaggio da un’economia basata sulla produzione industriale ad un’economia orientata all’informazione e alla conoscenza (knowledge economy) ha contribuito ad intensificare i legami tra scienza, ricerca e mondo produttivo. Soprattutto nelle aree più dinamiche e in quelle soggette a processi di riconversione industriale, i rapporti tra il mondo della ricerca e le realtà produttive manifatturiere e di servizi si sono consolidati, favorendo il processo di trasferimento tecnologico e lo sfruttamento commerciale dei risultati della ricerca. Il suddetto legame va sempre più consolidandosi attraverso la realizzazione di spin-off accademici.
The transformation from an economy based on the industrial production to an economy oriented to information and knowledge (knowledge economy) has contributed to intensify the links between science, research and world of business. Particularly in the most dynamic business sector and those ones interested by a reorganization processes, the relationships between the world of research and industrial and services sectors are strengthened, fostering the process of technological transfer and exploitation of the research process results. The aforesaid link goes more and more consolidating by the implementation of academic spin-offs.
The transformation from an economy based on the industrial production to an economy oriented to information and knowledge (knowledge economy) has contributed to intensify the links between science, research and world of business. Particularly in the most dynamic business sector and those ones interested by a reorganization processes, the relationships between the world of research and industrial and services sectors are strengthened, fostering the process of technological transfer and exploitation of the research process results. The aforesaid link goes more and more consolidating by the implementation of academic spin-offs.