Scopo della ricerca è indagare i livelli di coinvolgimento e partecipazione degli stakeholder nel processo di redazione dei report di sostenibilità, nell’elaborazione delle strategie aziendali e nel sistema di governo delle aziende non profit (Anp), partendo dal presupposto che la letteratura in materia, con particolare riferimento alla stakeholder theory, prevede un ampio coinvolgimento degli stakeholder nei processi decisionali delle Anp. Per verificare i livelli di coinvolgimento è stata condotta un’indagine empirica, tramite analisi di contenuto e questionari, su un campione di 20 bilanci di sostenibilità di altrettante Anp internazionali incluse nel database della Global Reporting Initiative alla data del 31 dicembre 2010. L’indagine indica alcune criticità, discusse nelle conclusioni, in tema di partecipazione e coinvolgimento degli interlocutori esterni ed interni rispetto ai tre ambiti analizzati.
The aim of the article is to investigate the role of stakeholder engagement and participation in sustainability reporting, strategy’s elaboration and governance’s system in non profit organizations. We analyze the role of stakeholders in the three above mentioned research fields according to the literature on third sector and on stakeholder theory. To verify the levels of involvement, we conduct an empirical analysis, using content analysis and questionnaires, on a sample of twenty sustainability reports of non profit organizations included in the Global Reporting Initiative database at the end of 2010. The survey showed that there are some critical issues regarding the stakeholder participation in the three targeted research fields, that are pointed out in the conclusions.
The aim of the article is to investigate the role of stakeholder engagement and participation in sustainability reporting, strategy’s elaboration and governance’s system in non profit organizations. We analyze the role of stakeholders in the three above mentioned research fields according to the literature on third sector and on stakeholder theory. To verify the levels of involvement, we conduct an empirical analysis, using content analysis and questionnaires, on a sample of twenty sustainability reports of non profit organizations included in the Global Reporting Initiative database at the end of 2010. The survey showed that there are some critical issues regarding the stakeholder participation in the three targeted research fields, that are pointed out in the conclusions.