Le analisi sull’Università italiana mettono spesso in evidenza la necessità di un innalzamento della qualità della ricerca, tramite la pubblicazione su riviste internazionali, da preferire se con impact factor. In tale direzione, questo contributo persegue tre obiettivi: innanzitutto, presentare un quadro di riferimento sull’attuale stato della ricerca in Italia, tramite l’analisi di dati di contesto e dei principali risultati della VTR del CIVR. In secondo luogo, focalizzarsi sugli studi economico-aziendali, per evidenziarne punti di forza e di debolezza. Infine, proporre alcune riflessioni sui cosiddetti journal ranking, utili sia per valutare la qualità degli output scientifici, sia per supportare gli studiosi nella definizione delle proprie strategie. Al riguardo, viene fatto principale riferimento alla “classificazione delle riviste per la valutazione della ricerca economico-aziendale” sviluppata dall’AIDEA.
The Italian University is under scrutiny, being frequently asked to improve its performances and to increase the quality of its research. This often implies a higher degree of internationalisation and to publish in journals with impact factor. Starting from these considerations, the aim of this paper is three fold: fi rst, it aims to analyse the state of art of the Italian scientifi c research, providing data and investigating issues of quality and performance measurements in Higher Education. Second, it focuses on the Italian research fi elds related to Business, trying to identify their strengths, weak-nesses and opportunities. Third, it analyses and discusses the main features and results of a project promoted by AIDEA and aimed at creating specifi c journal ratings.
The Italian University is under scrutiny, being frequently asked to improve its performances and to increase the quality of its research. This often implies a higher degree of internationalisation and to publish in journals with impact factor. Starting from these considerations, the aim of this paper is three fold: fi rst, it aims to analyse the state of art of the Italian scientifi c research, providing data and investigating issues of quality and performance measurements in Higher Education. Second, it focuses on the Italian research fi elds related to Business, trying to identify their strengths, weak-nesses and opportunities. Third, it analyses and discusses the main features and results of a project promoted by AIDEA and aimed at creating specifi c journal ratings.