Il lavoro traccia una sintesi del dibattito dottrinale in materia di economia e management delle amministrazioni pubbliche e propone una riflessione sul concetto di valore pubblico. Vengono approfondite in particolare le dimensioni singolare e plurale del valore pubblico, sia in riferimento ai fabbisogni da soddisfare che ai processi decisionali e produttivi propri delle amministrazioni pubbliche. Ciò determina l’affermazione di logiche di rete, che richiedono di coniugare gli interessi particolari con gli obiettivi comuni al fine di consentire uno sviluppo equilibrato dell’intero sistema economico e sociale.
This paper synthesizes the academic debate over the economics and management of public admin-istration, with a specific focus on the notion of public value. This concept is analyzed in its multiple dimensions, with reference both to the needs that public organizations are expected to satisfy and to the ways in which decision-making and production processes actually take place. This plurality calls for a networked approach aimed at striking a balance between individual and public interests, thus fostering a fair development of the socio-economic system as a whole.
This paper synthesizes the academic debate over the economics and management of public admin-istration, with a specific focus on the notion of public value. This concept is analyzed in its multiple dimensions, with reference both to the needs that public organizations are expected to satisfy and to the ways in which decision-making and production processes actually take place. This plurality calls for a networked approach aimed at striking a balance between individual and public interests, thus fostering a fair development of the socio-economic system as a whole.