Il legislatore italiano, con la legge n. 7 dell’11 gennaio 2001 (legge quadro sul sistema fieristico), aveva previsto la trasformazione degli enti fieristici in società di diritto privato. Ciò per favorire l’aziendalizzazione degli enti medesimi, stravolgendo i tradizionali canoni di gestione e modificando radicalmente i principi che governano l’attività degli stessi. Tali trasformazioni riguardano ogni aspetto dell’attività e coinvolgono l’assetto organizzativo, i modelli gestionali, l’ordinamento contabile, la gestione finanziaria, il sistema dei controlli, ecc. Questo contributo cerca di analizzarne alcune al fine di delineare e comprendere i percorsi possibili.
The Italian Legislator has provided for the transformation of fair agencies into private companies, through the law n. 7, on January 11th, 2001. This law has favoured the process of entrepreneurial metamorphosis of those foregoing agencies, pushing towards a radical change of the managerial principles that has previously sustained their activities. Such transformations concern every aspect of their activity, involving managerial models, book keeping, financial management, control systems,etc. This paper tries to analyze some of the foregoing aspects, in order to understand their pathway of change.
The Italian Legislator has provided for the transformation of fair agencies into private companies, through the law n. 7, on January 11th, 2001. This law has favoured the process of entrepreneurial metamorphosis of those foregoing agencies, pushing towards a radical change of the managerial principles that has previously sustained their activities. Such transformations concern every aspect of their activity, involving managerial models, book keeping, financial management, control systems,etc. This paper tries to analyze some of the foregoing aspects, in order to understand their pathway of change.