Le recenti riforme del management pubblico hanno attribuito grande rilevanza al tema della misurazione, valutazione e gestione delle performance, anche in ambito scolastico. Esso è oggetto di una vasta letteratura che fa riferimento a diverse discipline e a numerose prospettive teoriche. Tuttavia, risultano relativamente pochi i riferimenti e i contributi riguardanti la valutazione della performance della dirigenza scolastica. Questo contributo ha natura esplorativa e mira a indagare questi temi per offrire un modello interpretativo delle tendenze emergenti riguardo la performance e valutazione nella dirigenza scolastica a livello internazionale attraverso alcuni brevi studi di caso. Si discutono poi i tratti comuni e le regolarità individuate, così da formulare delle proposte sul tema e per la ricerca futura.
Recent public sector reforms assign great relevance to performance measurement, evaluation and management in several areas, including the educational system. These topics have been widely debated in the literature by different disciplines and from several theoretical perspectives. Nevertheless, references to the measurement and evaluation of the performance of school principals are relatively scarce. This paper has an explorative nature. Through some short case studies, it aims offering at an interpretative model of the emerging international trends in the evaluation and the performance of school principals.
Recent public sector reforms assign great relevance to performance measurement, evaluation and management in several areas, including the educational system. These topics have been widely debated in the literature by different disciplines and from several theoretical perspectives. Nevertheless, references to the measurement and evaluation of the performance of school principals are relatively scarce. This paper has an explorative nature. Through some short case studies, it aims offering at an interpretative model of the emerging international trends in the evaluation and the performance of school principals.